Drug dealing and trafficking

Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws.


Our schools have become growing fields for distribution and use of illegal drugs. Children and adolescents are potential victims of this type crime.

we are trying to promote certain critical attitude in students through some specific pedagogical tasks in the foreign language classroom.

Tasks to reflect on drug dealing and trafficking
The tasks proposed in this lesson permit language learners to reflect on how drug dealing and trafficking affect their contexts in the school and their neighborhoods.
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Read the text below.

1. How does drug dealing affect your neighborhood and your school?

Leave your comments expressing your point of view.


- Bogota | 03/03/15    Tomado de:  http://diarioadn.co/bogota/mi-ciudad/microtrafico-colegios-de-bogota-1.146166

Trabajo infantil
El trabajo se hace de manera conjunta entre las autoridades y la comunidad cercana a los colegios.



Diferentes factores ilegales como microtráfico de sustancias psicoactivas, riñas y hurtos en los entornos de los colegios capitalinos han obligado a las autoridades a buscar acciones para tratar de mitigar estas amenazas.

Así lo ha explicado la Secretaría de Educación que, a través de programas como Entornos Escolares Inseguros, ha logrado identificar 131 ‘ollas’ de droga, 471 puntos y corredores de expendio satélite o móvil de droga, 632 corredores de hurto, 695 actores de riesgo social y delincuencial, entre parches, pandillas, organizaciones criminales y delincuencia común; y 144 puntos de ocurrencia de riñas.

Uno de esos casos es de Unión Colombia, de la localidad de Usaquén. “El Colegio ha defendido su territorio porque las amenazas externas son bastantes y las hemos denunciado en varias ocasiones”, señaló Martha Venegas, rectora del colegio.

Allí, líderes comunales como Horacio Estrada se reúnen constantemente con las juntas de acción comunal y con la Policía para buscar salida al miedo generalizado que sienten los habitantes ante pandillas y asaltantes que aprovechan las condiciones de inseguridad de los barrios.

Estrada revela que la cercanía del colegio a la carrilera del tren, la deficiente de iluminación de los parques y las calles, y el mal estado de las vías empeora el problema.

Preocupan los extraños que rondan los colegios

Una de las grandes preocupaciones de la rectora Venegas es que sus escolares, quienes tienen buen nivel académico y de convivencia, se vean afectados por los actores externos. “Cuando uno ve a personas extrañas rondando el colegio llama a la Policía, el problema es que no siempre llegan rápido”, dice Venegas. Al respecto, el coronel Carlos Andrés Hernández, comandante de Usaquén, asegura que trabajan con la comunidad para mejorar la situación.



Name: Angie Natalia Pinzon Mora
Email: ntapinmo.c8@gmail.com

Message: some people do not think about the harm they do to others, selling or providing drugs, but how to stop this if no one denounces when he sees these cases for fear that these distributors do them because what is scary to encourage anyone give them away, and it's sad when you put ofresen and make this vice to those who do not consume.


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Comentarios: 43
  • #1

    Paola Cediel (jueves, 18 junio 2015 20:58)

    My opinion on drug trafficking in adolescents is that there must be more control by popes, family, teachers and responsible persons who are in the shape of young and well known to the young every day is dedicated and prevent further increasing the amount of drug traffickers and among young they hit 12 to 17 years

  • #2

    Lizeth Hoyos Martinez 10-03 Jm eoh (viernes, 19 junio 2015 14:25)

    First as I say all this is caused by carelessness of parents. second what one could do is helping them return zero. .darles speak with love affection. listen, make every efforts like we're taking care of a baby to go slowly convincing them that they are wrong and that such place is the right path accordingly convercerlos that also has to internarsen and ovio internandolos not a reliable place government as well -_- rather they do everything wrong

  • #3

    juan felipe ubaque sanchez grade 1006 eoh (viernes, 19 junio 2015 17:08)

    i think that the uses of drugs in adolecents is caused for the society for not teaching that the uses of drugs produce very serious problems and bran problems , sicological problems for a lack of know thet is the good and bad for we , and for it they sell drugs .
    the problems trafict the drugs on the school and neighborhood its a problem for a threaten for hide the truth , threaten a neighborhoods and students for sell drugs .

  • #4

    jose ignacio lozano chilatra 10-06 jm EOH (viernes, 19 junio 2015 18:30)

    I think that measures which are imposing authorities they are good but i know that are can provide more support to the community to that these case are avoid.

    I think that the drug affects us all and therefore we must all comvatirla

  • #5

    Geraldine Rodriguez Romero 10-03 (viernes, 19 junio 2015 20:32)


  • #6

    Daira Torres Charry 10-04 (viernes, 19 junio 2015 21:25)

    Traffickers exploit these schools to sell their drugs to students in different ways, this is dangerous because many parents trust their children are well in school without knowing that this is one of the dangers their children is something that should be investigated to prevent this from happening.

  • #7

    Cristian Camilo Ortega Medina 10-06 JM (viernes, 19 junio 2015 21:31)

    I think that this types of situation there are two possibilities answers:
    1. Start a process juridical versus this types of person (Of person that trafficked with dugs.
    2. social cleansing.

    I think that is more positive the number 2 , because, this type of person NEVER to change for good. They search
    of form that follow sell drugs or consume this. They for drug need money to the that not have, only have a one posibilite : Steal, abduct, Etc. All this affect negative in the society.
    They only be for corrupt to person of good

    in the society only there are people that only defend to this type of person but NEVER do something for they. Cristian Camilo Ortega Medina 10-06 JM
    Cristian Camilo Ortega Medina 10-06 JM

  • #8

    Maria Paula Silva Daza 10-03 j.m (sábado, 20 junio 2015 11:14)

    I think there are people who do not mind the damage it does to the other people, who think only of themselves and make money, we have do something about these people not continue affecting most teenagers, so we have to lose their fear and report if you see a situation of micro-trafficking.


  • #9

    Eliana Diaz 10-05 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 11:52)

    I think drug trafficking is wrong with teenagers because it is bad and also can give you many years in jail just for selling it is bad for society because there are children and families who suffer from this what traffickers product earn millionsThey may leave the company lost in the ambition of this product.

  • #10

    Jonathan David Becerra Mendez 10-05 Jm (sábado, 20 junio 2015 12:35)

    I say that in this case is serious because we are teenagers and young age begin to damage our lives using drugs and that over time some teenagers become addicted to drugs and harm their life I think it is best to place greater safety campaigns this time to younger are not on these drugs

  • #11

    Hamilton rincon pava 1005 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 14:10)

    i consider that the drug dealing and trafficking is a problem very serious because the young are incited to consumed drugs and think that the drugs is very bad because damage the life for people and they fall in a bad way

  • #12

    Maritza Maryori Gomez Paez 10-06 JM (sábado, 20 junio 2015 14:22)

    I think the government should take more authority and to the issue of traffic as many young monkey we are exposed to contact with the people who distribute the drug and also fall into this situation of drugs.

  • #13

    Kevin Santiago Gomez Alvarez 10.03 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 15:03)

    To minimize crime in schools and their output is to provide Serbian police outside the campus to minimize theft or sale of drugs. The state to do more campaigns about drugs, as young people when they have money for drugs begin to look for ways and begin to commit theft.

  • #14

    Sebastían Rodriguez Santos 10-03 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 15:37)

    My opinion against micro-trafficking is that these people are not thinking about since no importance given the damage it can do to other people selling them drugs and it is very horrible world world; because those people the only thing is to take into account import money without damage to other people and we have to denounce it.

  • #15

    NATALIA ABRIL MUÑOZ 10-05 JM (sábado, 20 junio 2015 16:22)

    I think that the traffic of drugs is very bad, because cause that the teens and other persons are addicts also increases crime and this is very dangerous for every, the solution is to call and to report to the police about this and police is responsible for it.

  • #16

    HANNIA BARRERA APONTE 10-05 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 17:14)

    Drug trafficking would not exist if there were no drug addicts, this is a big problem for the community either school or neighborhood as the vast majority of consumers are bad people which will not bring any good to the comidad this problemIt takes years, and it has almost every country in the world.

  • #17

    Laura natalia naranjo llanes 1005jm (sábado, 20 junio 2015 17:19)

    I believe that drug trafficking is already influencing the school if not mostly to teens silver falling by police talk much to help but in the end of the day does not end doing nothing, because these drug traffickers youthIt is now badly damaged

  • #18

    Catherine Salazar Castrillon 10-05 M.S. (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:12)

    The drug trafficking is a huge problem in Colombia and it started several years ago but in the pasrt years it became awful because they started to sell drugs in schools more in near to the jungle but in the last two years they started to sell it in Bogota and in the rest important cities I think that this is very bad because it increments that the teenagers consume more and more drugs every day that make theri live's a very hard challenge dealing with drugs and making that more people dye. The micro-trafficking is one of the worst things that we have and the only way to solve it is that the justice make stronger penalties to the persons who do this.

    Email: catherinesacas@gmail.com

  • #19

    Mixy Dayane Rincon Leon 10-05 jm (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:15)

    in my opinion the drug trafficking is a problem that affect to all because if my fiend consume drugs every time search a person that send drugs, for a pert the problem of the traffic is for the consume people

  • #20

    Jose Luís Rodríguez Palomá 10-05 JM (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:15)

    The drug traffick is a really serious problem, I think that the parents need to put more atention to their sons and daughters because in the schools is more frecuent the drug traffick and in the schools start this, in the future isn't just in the schools, the drug traffick'll be in the work, in the streets and in the other countries the people look at us just like drugs.
    If we stop this now, will the end of the drug adictors and the world'll be better.

  • #21

    sebastian valbuena 10-04 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:19)

    the traffic of drugs is common especially in colleges and vendors that are not noticed since people who practice the micro - hide goods in other libre.las selling products traffic they don't think or require the welfare of the person buying the drug. In addition to this when consumers buy drugs is prone to engage in distribution since it believes that it is a good deal of little effort

  • #22

    ginna paola rodriguez 10-06 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:24)

    the traffic of drugs is common especially in colleges and vendors that are not noticed since people who practice the micro - hide goods in other libre.las selling products traffic they don't think or require the welfare of the person buying the drug. a person who buys drugs not only is helping the distribution but which also works to those persons working with little effort make not only for helping without intention but for that they need to consume.

  • #23

    John Sebastian Alarcon Arevalo (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:24)

    i think that the drug dealers are near of the schools because in the schools there isn't police and the sell is more safe for them

  • #24

    Luis Felipe Barajas Paez (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:28)

    the drugs are a very big problem because they destroys their users

  • #25

    Talia Estefani Angulo Ortiz - 1006 jm (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:37)

    I think drug trafficking is bad for society because the traffic is what leads people to consume more because people are aware that they do that is bad and sold as if it were something that is not harmful.
    I think the best way to prevent drug trafficking is paying more attention to this issue and putting more security at airports and people who traffic using one of these methods

  • #26

    Valeria Sofia Chindoy R. 10-05 JM (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:50)

    The drug trafficking is a problem that affect to Colombia and the all world. Now invades schools for young fall in the consumption of drugs, this problem affects all of society because it damages the future of young people. The micro traffic must be attacked giving information to teens that the drug affected and damage their lifes and that the authorities are aware of the youth and citizens to report.
    So microtrafficking will end and not continue to affect adolescent in their schools, neighborhoods and society

  • #27

    Luisa Fernanda Clavijo. 10-05. (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:54)

    In my view the traffic of drugs is very common, and none of us do something really effective to prevent, as we see from school as teenagers begin their life with drugs and this makes your present life more difficult, because many of them become traders and usually these are addicts.

    E-mail: luisaclavijo0714@gmail.com

  • #28

    Karen Yiseth Contreras Clavijo 10-05 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 18:55)

    In my opinion the trafficking and consumption of drugs is a major problem and is very common in these times, we see teenagers begin to consume and sell regardless of consecuenciass they may have in their future.
    E-mail: karencontreras229@gmail.com

  • #29

    Alejandra Ariza 10-05 EOH (sábado, 20 junio 2015 19:48)

    As far as i'm conserned, people who traffick with drugs is not conscious of the problems they are causing, they are damaging the society, especially teenagers who don't know nothing about drugs and the consecuences. The drug trafficking cause really bad problems in a country, people can die for work on that, can kill and the worst thing; lose everything, why damage the children's life? i think that that's really sad because they are just beginning to live their lifes so it's not just, i invited everyone to change the thoughts way and make a little difference on the world.

  • #30

    Angie Natalia Melo Barreto 10-05 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 19:55)

    I think the addition of drugs is a very difficult problem in the world because after a while physically and psychologically harms would be undergoing several treatments in her life and I would see the suffering of his family
    E-mail: angienataliamelobarreto@gmail.com

  • #31

    Saida Lucia Carvajal Silva - 1006 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 19:56)

    Drug trafficking is bad and especially for the young people who are already consumers. There are people who eat because they want to, and there are others who want to try it, but do not dare or afraid. All consumers say they can control it, but it is not well and when they realize that they have come to a unit do nothing to recover and get out of this miserable life.

  • #32

    Jonathan Alexander Gonzalez Leon grade 10-04 J.M E.O.H (sábado, 20 junio 2015 20:33)

    because we should unite against this problem more and more watch our children and tell them not to buy from people selling well outdoors to prevent this problem

  • #33

    harold sneyther murcia calderon -10-04 (sábado, 20 junio 2015 20:50)

    in my opinion ther drug trafficking or micro trafficking is a problematic that affect all society the more likely a this problem are the teens this problem It has also affected Colombia this problem do that the colombian people is rejected in others countries because believe that the colombian people is a narco traffickers,murderers, and bandits

  • #34

    sebastian sterling gonzalez -1003 eoh. (sábado, 20 junio 2015 20:51)

    The problem that really affects our society is the trafficking and consumption of drugs which strongly affects the young.
    These two elements are capable of altering the behavior of people as infingir break or a lawi and weaken the chances that children of today and adolescents Grow in a healthy environment. It affects their neighborhood school.

  • #35

    Valentina Muños Niño 10- 05 jm (sábado, 20 junio 2015 21:31)

    in my opinion is a little social problem and the different consequences in the life of the dealer, as in his relations ships or they can finish in the jail

  • #36

    Maruan Enrique Arias C (domingo, 21 junio 2015 00:08)

    In my opinion the problem of the drugs trafficking is that is big business and very profitable so with help of the dealers the drug can access easily to places like schools, parks, neighborhoods etc.. and when enters school the adolescents finds a relief for their problems or momentary solution in the drugs.

  • #37

    Diego Alejandro Baquero Sucunchoque (domingo, 21 junio 2015 00:39)

    this is a big problem that really is very hard of control because is a shape easy of generate large amounts money leaving as result violence and the life of many young people but all we are being affected by this big problem and not we make nothing, say only that drugs are bad but never as solve this problem, to fight the drug dealing we must be together.

  • #38

    Nicolas Antonio Arevalo (domingo, 21 junio 2015 00:49)

    I think that drug dealing and trafficking is a big problem in the communities because this ruins the relationships between the people as the neighbors and the students, the trafficking is seen in the cities, and is distributed in different places as a shopping centers, in the street, in the neighborhoods, in the parks and in the schools, the place in where the trafficking is more illicit is in the school because the dealers are students or persons that sold the drug disguised as street vendors, this problem cause worry in the teachers and in the parents because they see that the lives of adolescents are at risk.

  • #39

    Erika Dayana Pabon SAqlamanca 10-03 (domingo, 21 junio 2015 18:54)

    my opinion is that drug trafficking is everywhere just world if your looking for drugs to the corner of your block find a seller for this is that drug addiction is therefore in adolescents

  • #40

    Lina Rodriguez - 1006jm (lunes, 22 junio 2015 18:10)

    drugs in the social environment, brings people with robbery victims and others die defending the druggies, who having no money to buy their crap begin to commit crimes, first robbing his own family and then it comes to strangers a lot of insecurity.

  • #41

    Sebastian Rodriguez 1001 cao (lunes, 10 agosto 2015 17:15)

    my point of view the drug dealing and trafficking is a big problem, because this is about the young people hnow days. some people die defending the druggies, this also is about the education parent to their children. i think that deteriorate the environment in my school and neighborhood.

  • #42

    Asly Pesca/ CAO / 1001 JT (miércoles, 12 agosto 2015 21:35)

    In my pinion is the more guttural that exist, while people work for subsidize your family, they reach invade you well-being but also to be recognize that but that exist the drug trafficking bebit credit two parts the that tha ago and the that the consumir. If everybody had a mentalily greater and not had that depend of drug to "solution our problems or forget for a while of they". we would good nice and the drug trafficking This would be nothing.

  • #43

    Paola Cediel 1001 J.T CAO (jueves, 27 agosto 2015 10:37)

    In my point of view drug trafficking affects a lot the neighborhoodand school is as it affects those people who do not consume. The influence of some people in some other way make other people involved in this issue.

Reflecting on how drug dealing may affect our communities and society

1. Teenage Drug Dealer Turns Life around          with Microsoft Tech

         2. Drug Trafficking in Latin America

Wrap-up: Reflecting on drug dealing in our cities and countries.
Documento Adobe Acrobat 179.7 KB

3. Inside Colombia's fight against drug                          mules

4. Customs UK (Bristol Airport) - Sweets...

              Is that what you call them?

    Share your ideas with us about this Task. Leave your                      comments.

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These videos have been created by students at Enrique Olaya Herra school

10th grade june 2015


Students put together some statments studied in class and thei mages found out on the web.



