Adolescent Pregnancy

watch the video and leave your comments. We really appreciate your contributions.

Critical reading and Writing 

Here we want to share some workshops connected to Adolescent Pregnancy.

We hope you enjoy them.

Adolescent Pregnancy - Taking stance
This workshop provides a series of tasks so that learners are able to express their views and ideas on Adolescent Pregnancy.
Documento Adobe Acrobat 644.4 KB
Reflecting on Adolescent Parenting
English learners have the possibility to understand vocabulary and ideas connected to Adolescent Parenting. also, the will be able to share their views on this social issue.
Documento Adobe Acrobat 108.7 KB


Foto de perfil de juan felipe ubaque sanchezz

Name: Juan Felipe Ubaque Sanchez- group 1006 morning shift  EOH


Message: I think that in the pictures and the texts in general about topic is the economics and parenthood as a problem at hour to have a baby and responsavility that, there think as care the baby , so only one person watching baby and  care , this if fathe is not responssable the their baby , the parents enter a poor situation and down economically their resourses... the baby is a great responsability.


Name:: jose ignacio lozano chilatra 10-06 jm eoh



 I think that the abuse and consumption of the drug It is a decisión that  the adolescents

that are found in circumstances difficult They can take And change by a style of life better
accepting the Advice ofcthe Plus the Advice that benefit the ness...




Foto de perfil de mpaula.colta

 Name: Maria Paula Silva Daza 10-03 j.m.


Message: I think it is very true what says the video and texts of adolescent pregnancy, but I think should give more responsibility to the men and not only women, because pregnancy is the responsabilidad of two people (men and women) but unfortunately in most cases of adolescent pregnancies the man leaves her responsibilities to the woman and leaves her alone.



Foto de perfil de becerramendezjonathandav.


Name: Jonathan David Becerra Mendez 10-05 Jm EOH

Message: I think that pregnancy has its good and bad things but sometimes young people take decisions without thinking about the consequences or the economy in which they are, or the young who are abused  they do not have the resources to take responsibility of a baby, so you have to learn to be responsible and aware of what we do.



Foto de perfil de Sebastian Rodríguez S

Name: Sebastían Rodriguez Santos 10-03

Message: My opinion against teen pregnancy is that it is a stage of life very difficult because having a baby is a big responsibility to have a baby at a young age and be able to sustain good is a little tricky because the first thing we think about is finish school because if we are very young is very difficult to have work. And especially the young people have to discuss what will happen if they can hold the baby and it also does not like me to abort since they are killing a life.


Foto de perfil de Talia Angulo

Name: Talia Estefani Angulo Ortiz-1006


Message: I think the issue of teenage pregnancy is very inportant because it teaches us that we must be careful and we have to analyze that situasione are to have a baby because many of these pregnancies are unplanned and in some cases the teenagers think abortion is an option.


Foto de perfil de john sebastian

Name: John Sebastian Alarcon Arevalo


Message: I consider that the education is the bestest option to avoid the adolecent pregnancy, the goverment must use their resources in education because if the education of the youth is good the country will have good citizens.



Foto de perfil de Jose Rodriguez

Name: Jose Luís Rodríguez Palomá 10-05 JM

Message: The teens pregnancy is a big problem around the world, because the teens need study and have a baby'll change your life project for complete. Have a baby is a big responsability because a baby need love, comprehension and teen don't have it. They have a lot of options like adoption, abortion, suicide, but I think that the best option is adoption because the baby'll have a family with resources, love and care.

We need to know that maybe the girl is rape and it's really worst.



Foto de perfil de saidacarvajal2015Name: Saida Carvajal Silva - 1006


Message: Teenage pregnancy is a dramatic experience, because it affects two inexperienced people that have not yet acquired its autonomy: For me are not yet able to choose unconsciously.



Foto de perfil de jonathanalexandergonzalezleon

Name: Jonathan Alexander Gonzalez Leon grade 10-04 J.M  E.O.H

Message: we should invest more in education, but about sexuality in order to prevent pregnancy at such a young age and so the beneficiaries of this investment would be families and their countries.


Foto de perfil de luisaclavijo0714

Name: Luisa Fernanda Clavijo Pulido 10-05.


Message: Teenage pregnancy is globalizing, every day there are more cases around our community, bringing more and more poverty, a root cause of this is the lack of sex education by parents and school, because ignorance is essentially a great factor of teen pregnancy.

In my opinion the country's resources should be used in people who are going to build our country in the future through better education and opportunities for all.


Foto de perfil de karencontreras229

Name: Karen Yiseth Contreras Clavijo 10-05

Message: I think pregnancy in these times is very common and girls seems normal when it is not, they do not consider that there is very little chance of keeping and caring for a baby, many become pregnant due to lack of education about sexuality, one solocion would implement this campaign in schools, so that all are informed and avoid some of this big problem.



Foto de perfil de abrilnatalia28

Name: NATALIA ABRIL MUÑOZ - 1005 - morning shift EOH


Message: I’m agree with video. according with video i think that all teens have to think in the future of baby, if she has the resources for to have the baby, is very reason that the teens pregnancy is lack of education and poverty, for this every teens have that study and think in your future. Now I agree with that the government have that invest in education, more education less pregnancies.




Name: Mixy Dayane Rincon Leon

Message: I consider that is case of the sexual inexperience or not use contraceptive methods, and is the case of begin the sexual life in a too early age.



Foto de perfil de maruanomo02

Name: Maruan Enrique Arias C 10-05


Message: I believe the adolescents pregnancy is a big problem because affect to the family, society and finally the country. why? because an adolescent pregnancy have big difficulties for the study and without study not there future and neither progress for the country.



Foto de perfil de diegobaquer.

Diego Alejandro Baquero Sucunchoque -1005 -morning shift EOH


Message: I consider us the young people we want live the life of the adults without regard that yet  we are children and the most important that not we have the experience for have a baby but we care more live in the present and not think about our future because we wait an help of the others to keep your children and pretend following his life of freedom when you have a baby who needs of your attention.



Foto del perfil de Nico Antonio Arevalo

Name: Nicolas Antonio Arevalo - 1005 -morning shift - EOH


Message: I think that the teen pregnancy is a social problem normal in the society actual because in the poor communities, the normal education and the sex education not is very good and the teens not have the conscience for have a loving relationship, healthy and safe, for this they have sex relationships to early age and become pregnant this cause different problems for them and their families because they dont have a necessary resources for care of a way worthy to the baby, also this pregnancies can bring different problems of healthy to the baby.




Name: Erika Dayana Pabon Salamanca

Message: my opinion is that I think a big problem is much here in Colombia . Do not think for a girl of 14 years is caring and form layers of life of a baby well , and worst of all, the great Mallorie girls choose abortion as their only alternative.



What's your opinion on this tasks. Leave your comments.

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Cartoons on Adolescent             Pregnancy

Adolescent Problems Camila Sabogal EOH -1006
Adolescent Problems Camila Sabogal EOH -1006


Didier Alejandro Castilo Lucero   - Karen Yulieht Gacharna Baquero

Jairo Esteban Ordoñez Ballesteros - Juan Felipe Gil Plazas   EOH - 1004

Story published first on:


Adolescents' problems. Laura Sierra -EOH -1005


Adolescents' problems.  Daniela Garzón - EOH -1003


Adolescent problems:  Hamilton rincón -EOH -1005


      Adolescents' Problems

     Hannia barrera - EOH- 1005































I am pregnant. What shoudl I do? Created by: Christian Ortega medina 1006 - EOH morning shift
I am pregnant. What should I do?  (2nd part) by Christina Ortega Medina 1006 EOH - morning shift
I am pregnant. What should I do? (2nd part) by Christina Ortega Medina 1006 EOH - morning shift

Pregnancy conflicts. By; Juan Sebastián Rincón - Bryan Reina - Emmanuel Alexander Rodriguez

I am pregnant. By:  Dayana Castaño Upegui - Xiomar Calderón Corzo
I am pregnant. By: Dayana Castaño Upegui - Xiomar Calderón Corzo
Abortion?   By: Alejandro Castillo - Yulieth Gacharná
Abortion? By: Alejandro Castillo - Yulieth Gacharná

Making decisions about pregnancy.

By: Jeison Santamaria Herrera

      Nicolás Urrego Martín

      Sebastian villarreal Sepúlveda

      Luis Fernando Silva Caro

By: Nathaly Casallas - Yeimiy Vanessa Becerra - Juan Pablo Garcia 1004 - EOH


Messages about the Cartoon stories and the videos

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Adolescent Pregnancy


These videos have been created by students at Enrique Olaya Herra school

10th grade june 2015


Students put together some statments studied in class and thei mages found out on the web.
